We work closely with filmmakers & production companies to promote unique films


FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many films can you handle each year?

A: We're a small organization and we're committed to providing personalized and human attention to each film. Therefore, we can't take on more than 15 short films and 5 feature films per year. This may change in the future, but for now, this is what we're capable of managing.

Q: What types of films do you prefer?

A: Our experience leads us to focus on arthouse films under 25 minutes for shorts and under 2 hours for features, which haven't been widely seen in festivals and not available online. Regardless of the medium (fiction, documentary, animation) and genre, we prioritize aesthetics and original scripts that stand out.

Q: Why do you prioritize films that haven't been seen before?

A: We firmly believe in supporting films that haven't yet had broad exposure. This allows us to play a significant role in the filmmakers' career development by helping them gain recognition at key festivals. We aim to get involved with films as early as possible in their journey, as it's crucial for both festival and sales strategies. This involves considerations of World, International, and National premieres, which are key to highlighting the films and filmmakers.

Q: What can I expect when working with you on distributing my film?

A: By working with us, you can expect personalized attention, strategic advice, transparent communication, and ongoing support throughout your distribution journey. We're committed to promoting your film effectively, with a human touch, aligned with your values, and maximizing its opportunities in the film market.

You want to propose us a film?

You want to watch one of our film?

Write us at contact@horsdubocal.eu or fill out the form below

Indie films can dream big